Start recruiting certified automotive technicians

Your business success depends on the quality of your workforce, find amazing technicians that you deserve

Recruiting automotive technicians made easy

Hire the best

Recruit more qualified techncians. Get access to the largest growing network of global certified workforce Connect with the world’s best Denters, Panel Beaters, Painters & Mechanics

Attract more Automotive Technicians

Reach more quality technicans. Job seekers will find your workshop vacancies on the world’s most-visited automotive hiring website

Speed up hiring

Hire technicians faster. Spend less time sifting through unqualified candidates. To help you select top automotive talent, we focus exclusively on automtoive technician staff recruitment and retention.

Growing to solve the global automotive workforce shortage

1.3 Million+

Automotive Technicians in our network

15+ Years

Helping companies hire great technicians


Companies worldwide use our services


Countries our partner companies are located in


2 Minutes

A new technician joins our network

The new way auto technicians get hired

Technicians apply to Skilled Migration

Autmotive technicians looking for permanenet work overseas or inside their exsiting country apply to Skilled Migration, only a certain % pass our bar

Artificial Intelligence & algorithm candidate matching

Our machine learning model custom matches high qaulity candidates with relevant, permanent roles across a number of different countries

Fresh Candidates Daily

Your digital CV is matched with Automotive businsess that need people like you. Our legal team support you on the completion of any required visa process

Auto schedule interviews

Workshops send interview requests and interviews are scheduled through our platform

Hire permanent technicians

Technicians find the right job for them, and workshops fill permanent roles with the right candidate

Everything you need to hire automotive technicians for your business. One platform.

Staff our business from top to bottom. Manage your recruitment process from end to end. All in one convenient platform. Our innovative technology makes finding & hiring technicians you need easy, efficent & cost effective.

Trusted by the automotive industry stakeholders acros the globe


"SkillsAway allowed me to develop my career and open up exciting opportunities. The platform provided me with the required learning & support to successfully complete the required ietls and connect me with numerous employers across the UK to enhance my career and lifestyle. I am now settled into a fantastic job as a panel beater in Scotland, UK."

Manmohan S.

"As a bodyshop manager, I have found SkillsAway to be an invaluable tool for sourcing top automotive talent. The possibility of finding talent locally has been extremely difficult. SkillsAway even does the hardest part of certifying the talent meets the job requirements in advance and their legal team manages the whole immigration process! I have made several successful hires through this platform and will continue to use it in the future."

Neil B.

"I was hesitant to use a recruitment platform at first, but I am so glad that I did. SkillsAway global job recommendations helped me discover opportunities that in countries I have only ever dreamed of, and supported me throughout the whole process. I would recommend this platform to anyone looking to advance their career and move to a new country."

F Banag.
Disclaimer: SkillsAway bears no responsibility, assumes no liability nor makes any guarantee for the process outcome.